July Adoption Update


July 29–One year ago today, we saw “Tyler” and “Jess’” sweet faces and started on a journey of courage and surrender to the Lord’s plan for our family. We prayed long and hard, as even though we’d talked about international adoption off and on for years, it wasn’t something that was on our immediate radar—more like on the back burner for whenever and if ever God lead us to do it. Within 3 weeks, the Lord CLEARLY showed us MULTIPLE times that we were to adopt THESE 2 specific kids.

Haha—I kinda laugh because around 15 years ago I was at peace with being single and was literally not looking for a guy or relationship and that’s when God had mine and William’s paths cross in the Spring of 2007. Some might think oh those two instances are “funny” or “happenstance.” But, I just believe God’s timing is perfect even if we try to avoid it or run from it or doubt it. God’s plans ALWAYS are best and they ALWAYS prevail! 🙌🏻❤️So here we are, one year into this journey. We have learned A LOT about surrender. Surrender is definitely a key word! Even though at first inwardly we felt like Sarah or Jonah, but the Lord kept gently pushing us to be an Abraham. And so we did. We kinda understand now how Abraham felt when God told him to pack up and leave his homeland. Going through international adoption is literally one step at a time with the Lord laying down the stepping stones in front for us and Him stepping on them first to show it’s safe and it’s a beautiful messy journey. ❤️

Here’s a quick update from this month...

1) We received USCIS immigration approval to adopt at the end of June and traveled to Nashville again to get it apostilled, sent off to our agency, and it arrived in South America. 👍

2) Forms updated—Our medical forms had to be approved again from our doctor and William’s letter of employment also needed updating. The South American country’s requirement is that medical papers and employment have to be current within 6 months of adoption court date and our medical forms and employment letter were done in February. Those were going to “expire” before we were in country for adoption court. We didn’t realize this until our adoption agent brought this to our attention—just too much to keep up with so we had forgotten about the 6 month expiration. This happened the week after we thought we had finished apostilling all documents. 😜 William could not take another day off work because he’s saving his days off for our trip to South America, and I couldn’t take it myself because we’re temporarily down to one car while we wait to get one fixed. So we’re VERY thankful to my college friend Christy Marrs who lives near downtown Nashville who offered to get these last few papers apostilled and mailed to our agent last week!! 🙌🏻👏👏 The have arrived in South America also!

3) So with ALL of our dossier totally completed now we’re celebrating!! 🙌🏻🎉🎉 YAY!!! What a journey that was!!! What happens next is the South American country’s adoption committee will meet and review our completed dossier. They meet every Monday so we’re not sure if they’ll review our case this past Monday (July 26) or next Monday (August 2). After they review our dossier, we will wait 2-4 weeks to get a referral from them. 🙏🙏 So prayers that we receive a blessing of favor with them! After they write a referral, it takes about a week for it to be translated. Then we will have up to 30 days to accept the referral including paying for remainder of fees (please pray we will get these from more grants!! 🙏). After we have accepted the referral we can then mail the kids each a special gift, a photo book, and video introducing ourselves, our lives, and community to them. Their social worker will do this introduction with them. Then we can begin Skype calling! 😍 Also after receiving the referral we have to send the referral to the USCIS (immigration) for an Article 5. This can take 4-5 weeks to receive. After that there’s a lot more steps like visas, then invitation to travel, etc. We’re just taking a few steps at a time because it’s a lot. 😜😂

4) GOOD NEWS!! We received a grant from Gift of Adoption for up to $5,500. This type of grant will specifically cover travel costs so this grant will be awarded right before travel! Also, William was told this week that with his new job transition, he will be able to transfer all of his PTO days for FMLA (which should cover the time we are all in South America), plus 2 weeks paternity paid vacation for when we get home with the kids, AND his new company will give at least $2,500 towards our adoption fees!! SO THANKFUL!!!

5) Our sweet friend and neighbor down our street, Melissa Jennings, hosted a Noonday jewelry show for us this month! Noonday is a company that was started by a lady who was adopting a child from Africa, so a big part of their company is giving towards adoption families! In July, the company gave 15% of sales of a show directly to the adoption families! This week will will receive a check from Noonday for $113!! So thankful to have this go towards our referral fee! Every dollar helps! 🥰 Thank you Melissa and thank you to those of you who purchased items from the show! I hope you’re enjoying them!

6) We are very busy cleaning out, selling lots of items, and reorganizing the house to get the kids’ rooms ready and new playroom/schoolroom ready!! 😍 Items sold will go towards the referral fee and the kids’ ESL tutoring fees.

7) Learning Spanish is still going well!! We’ve kept up with lessons over the summer months. Right now we’re focusing more on everyday conversation, needs, wants, and emotional words.

🙏🙏Specific Prayer requests:

—For this referral process—that the committee will have favor with us and allow us to adopt “Tyler” and “Jess” for an official match! Since they have been “waiting children” for over a year, we’ve had a soft referral since the committee accepted our Letter of Intent to Adopt back last September 2020.

—Pray for more grants awarded! We heard back from Lifesong and they want us to let them know when we have an official referral! Lifesong has 4 financial opportunities so this would be HUGE!

Still waiting on hearing back from another grant. Please pray specifically for $11,000 in grant monies within the next 30 days! We know all things are possible with God and we believe when He calls someone to do something then He will provide financially for it to happen! 🙏🙌🏻

—Prayers for us as we prepare our house and more so prepare physically, mentally, and emotionally for international travel with 3 kids!

Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support! 🥰

William and Ansley Tingle


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